Software Solutions

AgroSense user interface

Data security

AgroSense server secures incoming data, which is stored and processed in a cloud-based database. All measurements in the database are available without a time limit and are backed up daily.

Accessing data

With proper permissions, the data with can be accessed from anywhere using an internet browser, so we can have up-to-date information on the state of the production areas and the need for intervention. The AgroSense user interface provides web-based display and management of data, even from a mobile device.


You can send a notification via SMS or email to the designated user when the limit values set for each measured value are exceeded. This allows you to be aware of problems (eg. water cycle or frost)  in real-time, allowing you to react (eg. start frost protection).

Alerts and their acknowledgement can be tracked, for example, to evaluate how quickly problems have been resolved.


The system is tailored to your needs, with the AgroSense user interface recording locations, crop areas, stages of plant development or even crop changes.

Through the AgroSense API, other systems, such as irrigation controllers or ventilation computers, are able to receive and integrate information into their operation.


The AgroSense Use the AgroSense UI to keep up to date with the state of your crop:

Quick overview interface

Interactive graphs

Map view

Plant protection forecasts

Mobile friendly interface

Plant protection forecasts

Data from AgroSense can be used to calculate the likelihood of the appearance of pathogens for certain plant species.


The following plant protection forecasts are currently available:

PlantDiseaseLatin nameModel
AppleApple ScabVenturia inaequalisPrognoScab
Fire blightErwinia amylovoraPronoS-F-Blight, CougarBlight
PearFire blightErwinia amylovoraPronoS-F-Blight, CougarBlight
PotatoEarly blightAlternaria solaniNEGfry
WheatSeptoria tritici blotchSeptoria tritici 
Stem rustPuccinia graminis 
Wheat leaf rustPuccinia recondita 
Wheat yellow rustPuccinia striiformis 
Rape  SporacleEzzy
Black Leg DiseasePhoma lingamImproved BlackLegSporacle
White moldSclerotinia sclerotiorumScleroPro
TomatoLate blightPhytopthora infestansIPI
Early blightAlternaria solaniTomCAST
Sugar beetCercospora leaf spot of beetsCercospora beticolaCercoPrim, BeetCast, DIV Model

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