Field crop production

Typically, arable land accounts for more than 80% of cultivated land. Classical arable crops grow corn, wheat, sunflower and rape in the largest areas. Precision solutions, primarily GPS and RTK solutions, are now widely used in large-scale operations. Climate change, depletion of soil reserves, continuous withdrawal of active ingredients, and the emergence of new pests are increasingly demanding integrated crop production based on soil, plant, pathogen and pest monitoring.

AgroSense’s field-based tools communicate daily, but measure high-resolution plant environment features. Measuring soil temperature can help determine optimal sowing times, and cumulative heat sum calculations can predict the activity of insects developing or overwintering in the soil. Air temperature, humidity and leaf humidity data highlight the risk of fungal diseases in plants, allowing for the optimum time and amount of active ingredient to be applied. Leaf surface moisture during the harvest period may indicate that the morning dew or precipitation dries, so that the machines do not have to wait at the edge of the field.

Soil moisture data can be used to infer whether the field is suitable for machines. And measuring wind speed helps determine if it is possible to spray in the area.

The AgroSense system services in field crop production:


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